MeArm Blog
Gesture Control on the MeArm with your Android ...
We stumbled onto this video this week showing a MeArm being controlled by hand gestures, recorded on a mobile phone. This author used a MeArm Maker Kit, with some more hardware...
Gesture Control on the MeArm with your Android ...
We stumbled onto this video this week showing a MeArm being controlled by hand gestures, recorded on a mobile phone. This author used a MeArm Maker Kit, with some more hardware...
Hacking the MeArm Brains Board
There are two main ways to set up your MeArm Brains Board so you can change the code or run your MeArm with Snap (a Scratch like coding language). To...
Hacking the MeArm Brains Board
There are two main ways to set up your MeArm Brains Board so you can change the code or run your MeArm with Snap (a Scratch like coding language). To...
New Product! MeArm Sliders Board
The MeArm Sliders Board started as part of our schools demonstration kit as it was large, tactile and allowed you to have a very responsive MeArm. It even made it...
New Product! MeArm Sliders Board
The MeArm Sliders Board started as part of our schools demonstration kit as it was large, tactile and allowed you to have a very responsive MeArm. It even made it...
It's the future! I've tasted it! Robots and Cry...
According to Back to the Future, we're now officially in the future. However at MeArm Robotics we've felt like we've been living in the future for at least a year...
It's the future! I've tasted it! Robots and Cry...
According to Back to the Future, we're now officially in the future. However at MeArm Robotics we've felt like we've been living in the future for at least a year...
MeArm on the Raspberry Pi
Running a MeArm on a Raspberry Pi is initially very simple. We hope to make it simpler still with some good example code. Right now it's very easy to get...
MeArm on the Raspberry Pi
Running a MeArm on a Raspberry Pi is initially very simple. We hope to make it simpler still with some good example code. Right now it's very easy to get...
Every Queen Needs a Crown - Simone Giertz takes...
Every now and then a MeArm will end up somewhere where you don't expect it. In this case it was on the head of Steven Colbert, on the legendary Late...
Every Queen Needs a Crown - Simone Giertz takes...
Every now and then a MeArm will end up somewhere where you don't expect it. In this case it was on the head of Steven Colbert, on the legendary Late...