MeArm Blog
UK Maker Faire 2013
Wow it's the Monday after the UK Maker Faire 2013 and I am extraordinarily tired! Can't believe it's over. Drained mentally and physically after three days of the most amazing inspirational...
UK Maker Faire 2013
Wow it's the Monday after the UK Maker Faire 2013 and I am extraordinarily tired! Can't believe it's over. Drained mentally and physically after three days of the most amazing inspirational...
Fail fast, fail often...
It's a phrase that's bounded around the web an awful lot. At phenoptix there are only the two of us and most of the failing duties seem to fall on...
Fail fast, fail often...
It's a phrase that's bounded around the web an awful lot. At phenoptix there are only the two of us and most of the failing duties seem to fall on...
Multiholder - Prototyping Board for the Arduino...
What started as a request by Nottingham Hackspace for some prototyping plates turned into three solid days of obsession. Starting out with Oomlout's ubiquitous design ( ubiquitous for a prototyping plate or...
Multiholder - Prototyping Board for the Arduino...
What started as a request by Nottingham Hackspace for some prototyping plates turned into three solid days of obsession. Starting out with Oomlout's ubiquitous design ( ubiquitous for a prototyping plate or...
New Products in Stock 25th February 2013
Some great new products in stock today! All by way of Adafruit. First we have the Electret Microphone Amplifier which has great performance over similar sized and priced breakouts. If you...
New Products in Stock 25th February 2013
Some great new products in stock today! All by way of Adafruit. First we have the Electret Microphone Amplifier which has great performance over similar sized and priced breakouts. If you...
The BBC pop in for a cup of tea and a bit of so...
Earlier this month we had the pleasure of hosting the BBC for an afternoon. The popped in after enquiring about a Minty Boost that they wanted to solder up for...
The BBC pop in for a cup of tea and a bit of so...
Earlier this month we had the pleasure of hosting the BBC for an afternoon. The popped in after enquiring about a Minty Boost that they wanted to solder up for...
Everyone is free to wear electronics... 10 year...
Everyone is free to wear electronics... 10 years of Sparkfun told by WIRED magazine.
Everyone is free to wear electronics... 10 year...
Everyone is free to wear electronics... 10 years of Sparkfun told by WIRED magazine.