MeArm Blog
Inside the Mirrortocracy
A fantastic post that could well be about Hackspaces, Open Source Hardware or Punk Rock... "There's a problem with Silicon Valley and the subcultures that imitate it. It's a design...
Inside the Mirrortocracy
A fantastic post that could well be about Hackspaces, Open Source Hardware or Punk Rock... "There's a problem with Silicon Valley and the subcultures that imitate it. It's a design...

Make. Hack. Do at the Science Museum, London.
At the beginning of this month I had a great opportunity to run a workshop at the stupendous Science Museum in London. Admittedly this was my first time to the...
Make. Hack. Do at the Science Museum, London.
At the beginning of this month I had a great opportunity to run a workshop at the stupendous Science Museum in London. Admittedly this was my first time to the...
MyPiFi Kickstarter - add on board for Raspberry Pi
Paul Brown, aka @smstextuk, is a regular feature at the Raspberry Pi Jams around the UK. It's these Jams that he credits with the idea for the myPiFi add on board....
MyPiFi Kickstarter - add on board for Raspberry Pi
Paul Brown, aka @smstextuk, is a regular feature at the Raspberry Pi Jams around the UK. It's these Jams that he credits with the idea for the myPiFi add on board....
World's Smallest Periodic Table!
Spotted this morning is the world's smallest periodic table (possibly). Engraved onto a hair of the amazing haired Professor Martyn Poliakoff at the Nottingham Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Centre, just down...
World's Smallest Periodic Table!
Spotted this morning is the world's smallest periodic table (possibly). Engraved onto a hair of the amazing haired Professor Martyn Poliakoff at the Nottingham Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Centre, just down...
Crazyflie Makes it to the BBC
Spotted this BBC Magazine article this morning featuring our favourite micro quadcopter the Bitcraze Crazyflie that we hold in stock right here in the UK. The article discusses how scientists are...
Crazyflie Makes it to the BBC
Spotted this BBC Magazine article this morning featuring our favourite micro quadcopter the Bitcraze Crazyflie that we hold in stock right here in the UK. The article discusses how scientists are...
'Killer robots' to be debated at UN
"Killer robots will be debated during an informal meeting of experts at the United Nations in Geneva. Two robotics experts, Prof Ronald Arkin and Prof Noel Sharkey, will debate the...
'Killer robots' to be debated at UN
"Killer robots will be debated during an informal meeting of experts at the United Nations in Geneva. Two robotics experts, Prof Ronald Arkin and Prof Noel Sharkey, will debate the...