MeArm Blog
NeoPixel Ring and Crazyflie
This was performed a wee while ago but I didn't get around to writing it up, having intending to revisit the "project". We had two new products in stock the...
NeoPixel Ring and Crazyflie
This was performed a wee while ago but I didn't get around to writing it up, having intending to revisit the "project". We had two new products in stock the...
Voronoi Boxes from NYC Resistor!
Just spotted this by way of NYC Resistor. This is a Voronoi box. The pattern is a Voronoi tessellation. I've seen these beautiful patterns before but never known what to...
Voronoi Boxes from NYC Resistor!
Just spotted this by way of NYC Resistor. This is a Voronoi box. The pattern is a Voronoi tessellation. I've seen these beautiful patterns before but never known what to...
When is a Pi not a Pi?
Well when it's an Arduino compatible of course! Spotted by the eagle eyed Recatha this robot based Kickstarter seems to have got confused, or are cynically skirting the Raspberry Pi Trademark to...
When is a Pi not a Pi?
Well when it's an Arduino compatible of course! Spotted by the eagle eyed Recatha this robot based Kickstarter seems to have got confused, or are cynically skirting the Raspberry Pi Trademark to...
More on the Cambridge Pi Jam
Now that the dust is settling it seems that other participants (and organisers) are getting together their thoughts and media on the 5th Cambridge Raspberry Pi Jam which took place...
More on the Cambridge Pi Jam
Now that the dust is settling it seems that other participants (and organisers) are getting together their thoughts and media on the 5th Cambridge Raspberry Pi Jam which took place...
It's all about the Benjamins
Looking around at my chaotic desk and the scrawled on day book and notice board front and left of me (respectively) I often think I should be more organised. A...
It's all about the Benjamins
Looking around at my chaotic desk and the scrawled on day book and notice board front and left of me (respectively) I often think I should be more organised. A...

A Simple Test to See if it's Open Source - The ...
I've devised a simple test to see if an Open Source project is actually open source. Give yourself ten minutes. Try and find the files for the source of...
A Simple Test to See if it's Open Source - The ...
I've devised a simple test to see if an Open Source project is actually open source. Give yourself ten minutes. Try and find the files for the source of...