We've just got a new product in store from Gordon Williams. Gordon developed a great JavaScript interpreter for Microcontrollers and followed it up with a great board to run it on!
That board is the Espruino - a little shot of JavaScript
The Espruino was successfully Kickstarter'd at the end of last year and we've managed to snag some of his very first single origin batch (that's a coffee reference for the uninitiated). We've backed a fair few Kickstarters and Gordon's was exceptionally well done and was actually delivered on time, which I think may well be a Kickstarter first! Looking at the comments it does appear that people are still receiving theirs daily, so apologies if our box arrived before yours did!
Something that has impressed us from receiving the package this morning is the ease of use. We already run Google Chrome so it took seconds to add an app, plug in the micro USB and get started. We were blinking an LED in less than two minutes and that's without knowing JavaScript. We can see big things for this tiny board!
Check them out here: